Saturday, December 20, 2008

Whats wrong with Emporia.

We have a beautiful city. We have history. We have entertainment. There is nothing "wrong" with this city. However there is something horribly wrong with the perceptions that quite a few people and organizations have in regards to our fair city. Why are we a college town that does not embrace our students? Where is the disconnect between our city leaders and the voting populace? I have heard that this is a "suitcase" college. Fine place to go to school, but if you plan on having fun, go somewhere else. I am tired of watching tax dollars leave this community. I am tired of having to explain that yes, there are other cities in Kansas than Topeka, Wichita, and K.C. We need to embrace all that is good with Emporia and broadcast it to the world. I was driving down the interstate and saw a sign that read " Emporia, front porch to the flint hills". I was saddened to see this. I may want to go sit on the front porch after a long days work, however that slogan does not inspire me to ever want to visit. There are a few people in this town who feel change of any kind is bad. Change is necessary for survival. Our city is dying a slow death. The students who graduate from our college cannot stay in this community to use their degrees. We must help them. We need the youth of our community to take responsibility in shaping their futures. I will do my best to facilitate this change. I hope you will help me.

Stephen Cole.


  1. I love your outlook on Emporia! As a lifetime Emporian (for almost 30 years now), I can tell you that most of what you say is sad, but true.

    I hope more people will read and contemplate this blog.

  2. Thank you very much, I love to hear from fellow Emporiansx who share my outlook on how great our city truly is.
